28 February

Hey hey,

Long time no see hah? But as always, there have been quite a lot done meanwhile. First of all, about a week ago, I got injured. The thing is, it was a very strange injury, if you ask me. I woke up on Thursday morning and did my morning routine as always. Then around 0900 I went to the lesson I had to, and I started feeling little pain in my stomach, it wasn't bad so I didn't bother and just kept going on. When the lessons ended I went back to my room at the battalion and layed down on the chairs ( you can't lay down onto the bed at the daytime in battalion) and the pain dissolved somehow. After the midday I had some other lessons again, so I went their. Pain came back and while I was sitting there, I was going dissy. So I asked to lay down on the floor, but they didn't want let me to stay there and I was taken to the hospital, fu*k, the one place on earth I hate the most! I was taken to the hospital, they made ma a lot of tests, rayed my stomach and places a cannula to my vein. They gave me a 1l NaCl solution at first and after some time, they gave me another one. The doc told me that the results are good and probably I pulled some sort of muscle in my stomach - I have pulled muscles many time before, but this time it felt so wired, so I had to wait till the 1l package is empty and then I could leave. Shit, I hate hospitals and were stuck in one, took a 30 minutes nap and saw that the pack was empty. Doctors were running around, nobody was coming to take the cannula out of my vein. So I stand up and went to look for someone. And then one nurse saw me, and told me to immediately lay down again. The blood from my vein had gone trough the cannula, through the cable right into the pack, where some time ago NaCl solution was, and according to her, it was bad. So I was taken back to the bed and had to spend another 30 minutes, until one lady came to me and pulled the thing out of my vein. I was taken back to the battalion and the pain lasted for about 3 days.

Now everything is fine, I'm back at normal training and feel awesome!!!!
In the morning I ran around 11 km with 47 minutes, then had a break and in the evening had 3 hour training session - if you want you can check one small clip of it on the facebook!


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