21 September


It's the last day of my army break and right now I'm sitting on the car and heading back to Tallinn. Today I published a video I made with only two days. It's nothing to special, because I haven't had a chance to train hard in the past month, but at least my level hasn't been lost.

The video:
But as the break is over, but still I mentioned that I'm going back to Tallinn, but I'm not going back to the battalion. If everything goes well, I hit the battalion again in October, meanwhile I'll be spendig some time away. I'm still in the army, just in another part of it for two weeks hopefully. I can't really say where I'm going, but a hint is hidden here:
"I've been around the world twice, talked to everyone once. I've been to three world fairs. I am a hard bodied, hairy-chested, rootin, tootin, shootin, parachutin, demolition double cap crimping Frogman.

There ain't nothing I can't do.

No sky too high, no sea too rough, no Muff to tough. I've learned a lot of lessons in my life. Never shoot a large caliber man with a small caliber bullet. I drive all kinds of trucks. 2bys, 4bys, 6bys even those big motherfuckers  that bend and go TSSHH TSSHH when you step on the brakes.

Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation is for cowards.

I'm a lover, I'm a fighter, I'm a UDT NAVY SEAL Diver. I wine, dine, interwine and sneak out the back door when the revealing is done. So if your feeling froggy than you better jump because this Frogman has been there, done that and is going back for more."


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