16 September


Finally have some time and motivation to write here. Well there's not much to say. It's the army break, so I have like 10 days off and I'm enjoying them hard as I can. I was training hard at the army as well, but it's nothing to compare to the trainings I'm having at my home, at my own private space, with my own music. It's just wonderful.

I have come up with a plan to make one video before the break ends. Not sure if I can pull of anything special, but I guarantee I'll do my best. Right now I'm not 100% sure in which spots it will be filmed, maybe we'll use only one spot, but I'll come up with something soon. The only thing I know is the music I'm going to use and that the video will be only in black and white - something I haven't done before, so it's about time. CM is available as well, so the team is finally together and something is about to happen.

Also, Adidas made me a awesome gift while ago, but due to army I wasn't able to wear them. It's the new shoes, rockin them hard!!!!
Thanks Adidas!!!


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