29 June


Long post coming, where to start...
Here's the video I promised some time ago. This video is made in such a small amount of time that you can probably say that this is the fastest made video by me. Me and CM did it just in 2 weeks, usually I do a video in 3 months period + editing (takes around 5 days). Sometimes we filmed finished filming after 0100 o'clock, then came home, put the batteries to charge, cleaned memory cards and went to bed by 0200 or so. Then at 0700 woke up and went to work. So June has been quite crazy, a lot of work has been done etc.

Now it's time to say good bye to this kind of life and it's actually harder then I thought it would be. I knew for about 10 months that it's coming and I started preparing for it immediately, but still when the time has come, it seems that I'm still not ready. I have to say that I enjoyed this time for 110% - all the performances, trainings, those crazy days when I had 3 performances in 7 hours and had to drove like 820 km for that. Yeah at first it seems impossible and crazy, but when you have done something like that, the feeling you get is amazing and you want more. This 2014 has been successful time for me as well. At the start of this year, I did 2 performances with CM and it seems that those were extraordinary, because with one performance we hit the news for couple of times, the other one is the one that people still talk about. I remember when we were at the performance, then there was a little interview with us right after the show. The lady asked CM, that: "It seems that you work very hard for your performances, so how much you train?". CM had all the chances to say, that yes we work for hours for one performance, but he just can't lie and he replayed: "No, actually it takes us 30 minutes, we just go through the routine step by step only once, and the second time we do it, is already on the stage!" And he's right, one time we had couple of hours until the show and instead of hard training we went for a swim... in winter obviously!
And I actually can go one with the stories, but let it be.

Yesterday I had one performance in my homwtown. It was a normal, nothing to special. But after the show, when I went off the stage, there were the members of the band Karavan and there solist Karl Madis, who started giving me some high fives and saying how amazing this was. After the show, when I walked down to my car and wanted to give CM a call, one car stopped on the road, right next to me. It was the mayor of Põltsamaa. He stopped hes car to shake hands with me and told; "I wish you all the best in whatever you do!" Hahah... It took me a year and a half back, when I was going to perform in Tartu. I arrived a bit early to he spot and when I entered to the backstage, there was one singer, who now is a Prime minister's wife. I entered to room, greeted anyone there and the she replayed: "Oh hello, came to do your ball tricks again?" Haha, it's just crazy where me, CM and other homies are come from. Young kids, without any specific dream, just with a love for what we do and hours, months, years of work...

And that has brought me here, I just want to say thank you all who support me on this road. Litterally, THANK YOU. Without you, there wouldn't be this, I would still kick the ball on my own, down in the basement/ backyard. It's so strange that after some performances I make, I get some messages on my facebook, written by some people who thank me for my show. Those letters are not only written by Estonians, they come in from America to Asia, really... I can't replay to all of them, but I definitely read all of them and probably that's what has kept me going and going, the support of the people, THANK YOU!

Now about the future. I'm joing the army now. It will make a lot of changes, but it can't change one thing, my love for freestyle. The first two thing I will take with me will always be my freestyle shoes and a ball. I keep on training, hard as hell, trust me. Also I have booked my flights, hotels etc for the Super Ball 2014, by the end of February I was told that I can join the competition this year as well, that I can have a week off from the Army. Right now I'm not that sure, cause the head of the patalion where I'm going has changed and I haven't had a replay to my email, so I don't know what's going to happen, but they better not say no to me, BETTER NOT! So I'm going to be away for 11 months, but my millitary service is going to be different the a normal dudes will have. If I can go to Super Ball, my service should look something like that. I'm going to be in one month straight, then 1,5 weeks away, then 1,5-2 months in, then 2 weeks away, then about 2 months in the service and then there's the christmas. In september I continue studings as well and that's about what I can say right now...

I'm still going to keep this blog running, probably some army posts once in a while, but see you next summer


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