17 January


Woahhh, guitar a lot to tell you about, but let's take it from the beginning.

On 7 January I signed a new sponsorship contract with Adidas, hell yeah... A couple of moths ago a contract with Adidas was a big no for me, because when I was a kid, I used to have a pair of Adidas football shoes and they were shi*, like literally. I couldn't play football with them without getting any blisters on my feet. I tried them for couple of weeks and then just trowed those shoes away. Now I had a chance to try them again and probably the best gear on the market ( even the gear that's going to be on the shops in late February and March, haha), and it was realy good. The shoes and ball just felt right for me. Right now I can't give you any details about my gear, because I haven't received most of them, but I have received some shirts, shorts and a brazuca, hell yeah World Cup offical football.
 Also I have had couple of performances, but they haven't been any special ones. The yesterdays one was quite big and important, the other one was a bit smaller, nothing to add...

Furthermore I have been working on my physical form for about 4-5 years. I have some routines I do after every training session. At Autumn I reached the point ( at least in my opinion) where I was doing push up, ABCs etc more then 100 times in a row and I didn't feel that the effect is what I'm aiming. I talked with CM and he introduced me to the weight vests, which you can carry while your training session. I looked up for it and ordered one 14 kg weight vest ( weights are removable). I just started with 2 kg and now I have been moving up to 4 kg, of extra weight and I feel good. After every training session I feel the pain again in my muscles and it feels awesome!!!!

Btw thanks for the awesome feedback of my 2013 review video, just thanks!!!



  1. trenniga on nii et pead teatud ajatagant muutma harjutusi nt kätekõverdusi tehes muudad käte asendit. Asi selles et keha harjub ära ja arengut ei toimu. Nt jõukas käies ei tasu ühe ja sama kava järgi teha üle kolme kuu, tuleb kava muuta (jalalihaseid teed esmaspäeva asemel kolmapäeviti ja teistsorti harjutusi kangiga kükiasemel hoopis jalapressi) Nii nagu meil tekib rutiin tööl/koolis käies tekib ka lihastel :)


  2. Absoluutselt nõus, sesttap ma vahetangi kätekõverdusi tehes käte vahekaugust, lisaks lihaste tõmbele teen ka survet, kuid kõik see polnud enam efektiivne. Mu oma keha raskus polnud enam piisav ja seepärast sai ka vest ostetud, et harjutustest lisaefekti kätte saada. Ma jõusaalis käimist väga ei armasta, ma eelistan siiski selliseid lihtsamaid harjutusi, mida kodus teha saab.
